Beyond sustainability. How sustainable interior design can create a healthier home

Large windows allow plenty of natural light

There is a transformative power of sustainable design to improve our living spaces but also the quality of our lives. Essential elements like light, air quality, sleep, and technology affect – positively or negatively – our lives and our health.  Think, for example, about the quality of your sleep. Imagine sleeping in a bed frame… Continue reading Beyond sustainability. How sustainable interior design can create a healthier home

Less is more: create a minimalistic living room with these contemporary mantlepiece styling insights.

Minimalisti mantelpiece with Japanese fusion

Creating a mantlepiece that elevates a contemporary living room is all about finding a balance between simplicity and visual interest. A mantlepiece can be a focal point of elegance and purpose within the living room, adding both functional and aesthetic allure to the space. Additionally, a mantlepiece can provide an ideal stage for photos, artwork,… Continue reading Less is more: create a minimalistic living room with these contemporary mantlepiece styling insights.

How to choose your dream sofa

Ashford sofa by Soho Home

The ultimate guide to choosing the perfect sofa Choosing your new sofa is not always easy. Contemporary sofas have become multifunctional islands in the centre of our living rooms, one of the places where we rest, sleep, play, socialise and often work. They will prompt conversations and embrace you in your lonely moments, offer help… Continue reading How to choose your dream sofa

Designing interiors for well-being

Designing for wellbeing: how your home environment can affect your health and well-being. Space has the ability to affect and influence our emotions and perceptions through multiple factors such as color, light, and geometry, right down to the very materials that are used in its construction.  Walls, floors, furniture, but also soft furnishing, decor and… Continue reading Designing interiors for well-being

Master bedroom makeover

I wanted a bedroom which was stylish yet not polished, a place infused with relaxed beauty, somewhere in between a den and a boudoir. The large south facing window allowed for accent walls but solid walls did not seem to bring the sense of laid back and cozy ambience I was after. I had these… Continue reading Master bedroom makeover

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